Why should we share the art with others as a tradition?Our research and experience has conclusively shown us that those who are actively involved with friends, family and peers achieve greater and more rapid success as a result of having these peers with whom to relate, learn and practice. This is true not of martial arts studies, but also of any endeavor in life that requires learning and growth. The quality of Vancouver Kfitness Kids, youth and adult classroom environment is greatly dependent on the quality of our fellow students. Therefore, it is in our best interest to work diligently to help our instructors recruit, improve and maintain caliber of successful students in our K Fitness Club.
The only way our Kfitness Kickboxing, MMA school can have a positive impact on the community it serves, is to have a significant student population that will influence its neighborhood in a positive manner. This would best be achieved by a large body of students in different age group who are experiencing high level of success physically and mentally, based on the twelve winning traits of SKF Sport Kickboxing Federation black belt program.